• Poster: What I really enjoyed the most in doing throughout this course is making my own poster. I felt that my poster speaks itself although there are few mistakes in it. Posters in general can reach wide variety of audience in a short time and people can easily infer the main points or the message behind them because the content is usually direct to the point,clear and not complicated.
  • Drive: Personally I've been using the drive since the second semester for me in the university with Miss Amal in Edit250 course. I found it very useful because we can save our work and effort inside it and it is easily to find our projects directly when searching for them. It is our work and effort keeper.

  • ActivInspire: I found that it is very useful to use in the classrooms especially with the small kids. It contains fun activities that satisfy their interests and needs and diversity of way to apply things. Also it is beneficial for the teacher the tools included their can make her easily come up with ideas concerning activities.

  • Kahoot: I found that this application is useful for the teacher to create quizzes on it, and even discussions sometimes.The teacher can use it in all subjects and for all ages also. We as university students enjoyed it so what about children and students in the school, they would be fully engaged in it.It also allows active interaction between both students and the teachers.
  • Pad let: It is nice when you have like piece of paper but on "web". Teachers can share thoughts and ideas with the students online and that's attractive.We all know that students love creativity and it plays a great role in the academic performance of the student . By using Pad-let in classroom teachers can motivate students to be creative. Students will also avail the opportunity to show their creative work with other class fellow by placing it on Pad-let wall. So, it is very effective and I will be using it in my classroom and I encourage every teacher to use it.

  • Quiz-let: I found that it is effective for both students and teachers. Teachers can make revision for their students before exams using this application, breaking the usual routine. And students will enjoy this way more that writing on papers. It makes the way easier for both students and teachers.

  • Blog: First of all I used to hate blog. But now whenever I worked on it I found it very interesting and useful and the nice thing is that it can always be updated.  I enjoyed reading the posts of my friends and sharing comments together (community online). One can benefit from lots of ideas,  and get introduced to new ones.It also played a role in organizing my thought concerning everything I took in other courses.

  • Pollev:  As teachers to be, we are taught to allow engagement in our classrooms because it is important.  Pollev Encourages communication between students, prompts discussion and peer instruction. Throughout it  teachers can also infer their students' mistakes and correct them or highlight them directly.

  • Web Quest: I loved this application because it allows scaffolding , everything is arranged in steps which will be clear to the students. It is an inquiry oriented lesson format in which most or all the information that learners work with comes from the web.I will be using it in my classroom.

  • Google Forms: This application allows us to collect information easily and efficiently. It is free online application which all people can benefit from.  

  • Rub-star: is a tool to help the teacher who wants to use rubrics but does not have the time to develop them from scratch. While many teachers want to use rubrics or are experimenting with writing rubrics, they can be quite time-consuming to develop.We benefit from it in our web-quests concerning evaluation.

  • Zoom: it offers communications software that combines video conferencing, online meetings,chat, and mobile collaboration.

  • URL Shorten-er:  It is used to reduce the length of the website's link.

  • Webinar:  it is a live online educational presentation during which participating viewers can submit questions and comments, it saves money and time and also it makes you in direct contact with you audience.

  • Publisher:  It is used to create business cards, newsletters, and posters.Of course teachers can use it; it helps them to save time.

  • Pecha-Kucha:  I enjoyed being in the same class with my friends chatting using it instead of  talking to each other. As teacher to be I will use this in order to avoid distraction and to teach my students to control themselves (not moving from their seats).

  • VCT: Virtual Classroom Tours, all I need to say here is that I hated such program and I enjoyed the previous ones more. It is complicated and need lots of time and effort.

  • Reference in Word This application helps us when it comes to making citation for a research paper. It organizes the references page. 

  • Mind Mapping:  It is nice very useful because it organizes ideas and events. It is helpful for the teacher to jot down what she wants to do in the classroom and its even useful in our daily life.

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